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Medical Assisting (UC "g")

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Learn back office medical procedures. Topics include medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, lab procedures. Clinical training in hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices is available. The class focuses on academic, technical skills, and employability practices. Students will develop personal and professional skills in the classroom that will transfer to the workplace:
  • Time management and organization
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Work with a variety of technology
  • Creative thinking and problem solving
  • Job search skills including: resume, job applications and effective interview skills
  • Essentials of Fire Department Customer Service

Class Benefits

  • 30 high school credits earned per year
  • Develop skills leading to a highly paid, high demand job

University Majors & Degrees (BA or BS)

  • AA or AS in Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy
  • BA or BS in Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Pre-Med

Certifications Earned Within the Class

  • Class completion certificate
  • CPR & AED with successful completion of training

Job Opportunities Upon Completion

  • Medical Assistant
  • Chiropractic Assistant
  • Pediatric Assistant
  • Hospital Admitting Clerk
  • Outpatient Admitting Clerk
  • Unit Clerk Home Health Aides

About the Instructors

The Medical Assisting program is taught by medical experts, Luz Maria Gamboa and Nadine Gonzales.
Nadine Gonzales
Gonzales has more than 15 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Western Career College, now known as Carrington College. Her background includes specialty medicine, including fertility, pain management, and pain management surgery. Gonzales trained in assisting with spinal epidurals and radio frequency ablations as well as platelet-rich plasma injections. During most of her career, she has worked in sports medicine, where Gonzales was privileged to work with the San Francisco Forty Niners and San Francisco Giants team doctors. After spending some time in patient care, Gonzales wanted to expand her horizons and teach college as a way of giving back all that she was taught. She also taught two-and-a-half years of college before joining SVCTE. Gonzales still currently works in patient care as an on-call MA at Kaiser Permanente. When Gonzales isn't teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, and helping her daughter fundraise for her foundation.